Sunday, December 8, 2019

November Report

Report By Leo Lauchere


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EcoCamp Coyote
Action Weekend

On November 8th through 10th we at EcoCamp Coyote had our debut event! Intending to come together with the Ecosystem Restoration Camp and Permaculture community to learn, be, and take action together.

Friday, November 8th
Early arrivals, apple juicing, camp fire.

Jeff and BB feed apples into the macerator to be ground up.
The ground-up apples go into a piece of cloth and are pressed under a hydraulic ram.

The pressure squeezes the juice out, while the apple solids stay in the cloth bag.
Leo's apple-stained hands.

Leo and Tom (Cider Horse Apple Farm) checking out the Apple Juicer.

Saturday November 9th

After breakfast and opening circle, we talked about Permaculture basics.

Adam playing "Permaculture Principal Charades." 
During the site tour, John Liu teaching a special handshake.

Mom's chili for lunch!

After lunch we worked in the greenhouse, clearing unwanted plants(AKA weeds.)

Dog In Hat.

The Action Crew potting Strawberries.

Potted strawberries.

'No Mow Nonsense' Jeff clearing in the greenhouse. 

Sunday November 10th

After learning about "Biodigesters in the integrated system" we had a world cafe session discussing how we can integrate the systems in our lives, communities and what success would look like.

Another great lunch!
Laying down the foundation for the Biodigester.  
The biodigester is a part of the integrated system. Eventually the resource which is "Human Waste" will be broken down into two products: 1. 'Biogas,' a methane-based gas which can be used as a cooking fuel and, 2. a fertilizer which can be reintegrated into the land.

Here Jeff, Elon, Jennifer and Kyle fill bags of sand which will later be used as weight to pressurize the gas bladder. 

We ended up getting the biodigester about 1/2 way setup.
Thank you to our action crew for making this happen!

Off Grid Solar System

As the days grow short and the grey days come, necessity inspires the evolution of the solar system.
EcoCamp Coyote choses not to participate in the electricity grid.
As our EV conversion teacher, Richard says: "Do your homework!"

Ero mounts the temporary PV panel mount.

Juan G stands in front of the newly adjusted panels.
Now that the sun passes lower in the sky, we set the angle to better catch the sun's energy.

Leo works on adding two of the Tesla batteries to the system.
Cable Making
All the battery connections must be made using 2/0 welding cable. We make our own by attaching eyelets and shrink tubing.

Attaching the eyelets to the battery cables.
One of our few direct uses for petroleum fuel. ..For now!

When our electricity demand exceeds the energy captured by the solar panels and/or the amount of energy which can be stored in the batteries, we use this diesel generator to 'keep the lights on.' 

This generator has been converted to run on 'Waste' Vegetable Oil collected from restaurants.

Golden Rule BioFuel
Fossil Fuel-Free Fuel, Fool!

The biodiesel-powered truck picks up a load of fuel.

Here delivering to the farm of a friend to run their equipment.

Good News Wood Salvation

Good News Wood Salvation is the primary monetary engine for EcoCamp Coyote. The rain represents a significant challenge for us. Keeping the wood dry and logistics of working in the rain keep us on our toes(and maybe a bit sleepless at night.) 

This month we moved the 'Sun Room' into place as an office.
This movement was inspired by our new employee Ruby, who has come on to contribute her skills in organization and efficiency. 

Juan G took the lead in the yard, trying out a new organization layout.
We also did some work to upgrade the covered space where sorting takes place.

From The Garden


Once the peppers were harvested, we strung them up to dry.

The peppers come to harvest as the Brussel sprouts take off!

Until The Next Report!


  1. Love your work ethic!! Thanks for hosting an inspiring, educational, and friend-building weekend! XXOO

  2. The Most Bad Ass Peiple I know! Thank you for doing what you do! Down load TikTok, watch, create and post, drive traffic to this or where ever you want. #'s are still good
